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Toronto, Ontario, Canada, February 20, 2019 – Raja Technologies Inc. is extremely pleased to congratulate Trident Holdings, Inc. and Tangible IP, LLC, on successfully obtaining another license on a patent portfolio pertaining to marketing automation software owned by Trident Holdings, Inc. Raja Technologies Inc. is very proud to have assisted Tangible IP, LLC to achieve this major success for Trident Holdings, Inc.

“On behalf of Raja Technologies Inc., I would like to congratulate Louis Carbonneau and the team at Tangible IP, LLC on successfully entering Trident Holdings, Inc. into another mutually beneficial license agreement amicably and in a short period of time”, said Raja Technologies Inc. CEO Dr. Ramesh Rajaduray in a statement released today. Dr. Rajaduray went on to add, “Raja Technologies Inc. is proud to have assisted by providing technical consulting, advice and support to Tangible IP, LLC and Trident Holdings, Inc. This assistance enabled Tangible IP, LLC to extract significant value for Trident Holdings, Inc. through another voluntary license without involving any assertion related activity, and in a short period of time. This success bears testimony to our ability to assist our clients in extracting value from intellectual property assets.”


Raja Technologies Inc. is committed to helping companies and inventors to empower their intellectual property in a cost effective way. More information is available at the Raja Technologies Inc. website and at the blog at

For more information please contact Raja Technologies Inc.

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